This should have been front paged
This should have been front paged
Nahhhh the other drawings deserved it
Soldier without a dapper topper: he still lookin fresh
Cock joke
Btw this art is amazing :0 like seriously GODLY dude
Look at that! It is honestly amazing how much personality you can give just from the looks! It is so cool man
Looks amaziiiing haha, the tail being all burnt is a very interesting idea and I like it :D
I saw the thumbnail thing and immediately knew you made it haha, wow look at it! This is amazing! The tones, lighting, having plus the bouncy animated movement it awesome haha, you proud of it? Cuz it is so fantastic!
Titanfall 3 be like:
Also amazing art man :o
I can see you are getting into the binding of Isaac :D what do you think of it?
Yo, from the west coast :] Hoping all is well to whoever sees this. This page is a bit of an archive for me, place to put all my art- But I hope you enjoy! I am Frost, or Wolfie
Whatever works best for you
and I like videogames, weights, guitar, and guns
Artist and Animator
Joined on 6/7/21